What is IoT(Internet of Things)
“IoT is a term being used to describe some ineffable, Internet-connected future. The reality is, that devices will increasingly be pervasively connected to the Internet. We are going through the first wave of this phenomenon now.” -Vitaly M. Golomb, HP Tech Ventures
This is the first article of my article series about IoT Technology and its application.
IoT (Internet of Things) is a trending concept in the modern world which is useful for our daily life. First, let us discuss the literal meaning of the term “IoT”. The things are connected to the internet can be taken as the simple meaning of this concept. Moreover, things are connected to each other through the internet in order to keep fast and effective communication among them even without any kind of human intervention. If we think further, we can see that almost all the devices are connected to the internet in the real-world. Although the present situation is so as it took considerable time to come up as a concept. Before we get to know this concept let us look at the history of IoT. IoT is a huge concept and its history is deep as the concept. So I,m here writing some of the most significant and influenced points.
The History of IoT
As humans, we are connecting to society and to other humans in order to keep better communication. It helps us to fulfill our daily needs and maintain our lifestyles. So why not devices ?? If at least our most needed devices can be connected to the internet, we can make our lives easier. This initial idea had arisen during the 1980s. Although the idea came up, it had taken much time to rise as a concept. The technology was not that much developed to establish this concept. The speed of the larger chips was not appropriated to perform well.
I can give you a few highlight incidents which could truly inspire the concept of “IoT”.
Baron Pavel Schilling created an Electrical Telegraph in 1832 using a single-needle system. This telecommunication system allowed messages to be shared without physical transportation.
Carl Friedrich and Wilhelm Weber wrote a code that could communicate within a 1200m area in 1833.
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and IP (Internet Protocol) were introduced in the 1970s.
DNS (Domain Name System) by Paul V. Mockapetris and WWW (World Wide Web) by Tim Berners-Lee were created in the 1980s.
The first IoT related device, a toaster was created by John Romkey with Simon Hackett in the 1990s. This can be introduced as the first smart device and a turning point in IoT technology.
IoT technology came up as a concept upon such improvements on the internet.
1999 is one of the most highlighted years in the long journey of this technology. The term “Internet of Things” was created by Kevin Ashton in this year.
The 20th century became a significant hundreds of years to the “IoT”. Between 2008 and 2009 actual birth of “IoT” had occurred. After this occurrence, the “IoT” revolution had begun. More and more devices had been connected to the internet. The human culture and digital Information Systems were integrated in order to enhance human life with technology. More sensors and actuators were embedded in devices and places. As the initial step, tracking devices were invented (barcoded bands, smart wristbands). The utilization was limited to business and manufacturing. The popularity and usage were inconsiderable until 2010-2011. After 2011 IT invents, new protocols, new platforms, articles based on IoT and IT, development of IT knowledge, increasing of IT professionals, and major investments in the industry, influenced the rapid development in “IoT”. Now “IoT” has become a must thing to almost everyone in the world. Houses, offices, schools, shops, and almost all the places are been transformed into smart with the “IoT” technology.
This is the end of the article on “The history of IoT”. I hope this article would be useful for you to get an idea about the birth and development of IoT.
I’ll get back to you in my next article.